
Art. 1
The San Marino Physically Disabled Sports Association, ATTIVA-MENTE, is a non-political and non-profit organisation focusing on voluntary work.
The Association may be affiliated with a sports federation recognized by the San Marino National Olympic Committee (CONS) and will respect the international rules on sports.

Art. 2
The ATTIVA-MENTE Sports Association is based in the Republic of San Marino in Montegiardino, in Via Scalbati 9.

Art. 3
The Association has as its purpose the full inclusion in society of people with disabilities, the improvement of their quality of life in the family, at school, at work and in their free time. The Association aims to achieve this goal through sporting, informative, recreational and cultural initiatives.
The Association aims to instill in the community a culture of modern disability that is consistent with what is sanctioned on the subject by international treaties on human rights.
Art. 4
The members are divided into:

Types of members
Honorarieswithout voting rights
Meritorious or supporterswith the right to vote
Ordinarieswith the right to vote
Aderenti (minorenni)without voting rights

Membership to the ATTIVA-MENTE Sports Association is open to citizens of San Marino, and non-citizens with and without a registered residence in the Republic of San Marino, assuming their rights and obligations accordingly, without distinction of race, profession, sex, politics, and religion.
The number of members is unlimited. However, the majority of members must be residents of the Republic of San Marino.
The members of the ATTIVA-MENTE Sports Association assume the responsibility to observe the rules of this statute, the national and international regulations and statutes of the Federations to which the Association will adhere to as well as the regulations of the C.O.N.S.
The request of membership to the Association must be submitted to the Board of Directors who will evaluate it for the purpose of admission.

Membership qualification is lost:
a) for withdrawal;
b) following failure to renew the subscription for 3 consecutive years;
c) by exclusion in case of activities in contrast with the aims of the Association;
The withdrawal must be communicated to the Board of Directors, which takes note of it.
In the case referred to in point c) the exclusion provision is deliberated by a majority of the Board of Directors whose provision may be challenged before the Member‘s Assembly which will be convened for this purpose.  

Art. 5
Persons holding offices within the Association's bodies must meet the following requirements:
Be a citizen of San Marino or a non-citizen with a registered residence and have reached the age of 18.

Art. 6
The association's assets are composed of

  1. various contributions
  2. the proceeds deriving from the shares paid by the members
  3. buildings and furniture that become the property of the Association
  4. the sums received from subscriptions, contributions of various kinds and from donations
  5. income deriving from corporate activities, exhibitions and Sponsorships.

The material patrimony must result from an updated inventory book.

Art. 7
The bodies of the Association are:

  • The Assembly of Members
  • The Board of Directors
  • The Board of Auditors

Art. 8
The Assembly of Members is made up of all the members in good standing with the rules of this Statute and with an active membership.
The Assembly debates on the technical, organisational and financial management of the association, it approves financial statements, elects the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors and deliberates on the amendments to this statute.
Participants of the Assembly vote with a personal and secret method with the exclusion of any form of voting by proxy.
The Assembly is convened by the President ordinarily, at least once a year; extraordinarily when the President deems it necessary; when a third of the registered members with voting rights make a justified request in writing or when half plus one (over half) of the Board of Directors makes a request.
The meeting is convened with a notice at home and / or with a publication posted at the headquarters 8 (eight) days before the date of its holding. The convocation must indicate the time, date, agenda and location of the meeting itself.
The Members’ Assembly must always be fixed on first and second call.
The first call is valid only if half plus one (over half) of the members of the Assembly are present.
The second call is valid regardless of the number of members present and must be fixed on the same day and in the same place, half an hour after the first call.
For the elective assembly only, the second call is valid only if the minimum presence among those entitled to vote is equal to double the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors.

Art. 9
The Board of Directors composed of n. 5 to n. 9 members is elected by the Members’ Assembly by February and remain in office for four years.
All members in good standing with the membership and who have completed 18 (eighteen) years of age are voters.
Citizens of San Marino or residents of the Republic of San Marino are eligible as long as they have reached the age of majority (18 years), have been enrolled in the Association for at least 2 (two) consecutive previous years and meet the requirements set out in Art. 5.
In the event of equal votes, a ballot will be held between the candidates themselves.
The meetings of the Board of Directors are valid when at least half plus one (over half) of its members participate.
Decisions are taken by simple majority among those present; in the event of a tie, the vote of the chairman prevails.
People who have special offices in the Association can participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors without the right to vote.
In case of resignation by a member of the Board of Directors, the first of the non-elected members takes over his position.

Art. 10
The Board of Directors is the executive body of the Association and is tasked with managing technical and administrative issues as well as:

  1. electing from among its members:

    • the President
    • the Vice President
    • the Coordinator
    • the Secretary
    • the Treasurer
    • the Directors
  2. implementing the initiatives referred to in Art. 3;
  3. deliberating the convocation of the Members’Assembly
  4. supervising the compliance by the members to the statute, the rules as well as the regulations and provisions of the bodies to which the association subscribed;
  5. promoting sporting activities;
  6. establishing the participation programs for sporting events;
  7. administering the Association’s assets, deciding on a budget and presenting the final balance;
  8. appointing collaborators, technicians and coaches;
  9. issuing corporate regulations;
  10. promoting sporting events;
  11. deliberating on the admission of new members;
  12. deliberating on the exclusion of members and the penalties to be paid;
  13. establishing the annual membership fee;
  14. deliberating on any matter relating to the functioning of the Association.

Art. 11
The President legally represents the Association, signs the acts, chairs the Members’ Assembly and the meetings of the Board of Directors.
The Vice President replaces the President in case of his/her absence;
The Coordinator is the internal reference point for the harmonization of activities and, on behalf of the Board of Directors, represents and promotes the Association externally;
The Secretary provides for the execution of the provisions issued by the governing bodies and is responsible for keeping and updating the Register of Members and the Minutes book.
The Treasurer manages the assets of the Association, draws up the financial statements and provides for the accounting / financial management.

Art. 12
The Board of Auditors is the internal administrative body of the Association and consists of 2 (two) members who are appointed by the members.
The Statutory Auditors participate, without voting rights, in the meetings of the Assembly and the Board of Directors to discuss accounting / financial matters.
A written report must be drawn up for each audit and submitted to the Board of Directors and the Members’ Assembly.
The members of the Board of Statutory Auditors remain in office for 4 (four) years.
In the event of resignation by a statutory auditor, the first non-elected auditor who complies with the provisions of this statute takes over the office.

Art. 13
It is not possible for one person to hold more than one elected office within the Association.

Art. 14
The financial year of the Association begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.
For administrative / accounting management, the Association must comply with the general accounting provisions.

Art. 15
All registered athletes are obliged to take out insurance as required by the sports legislation and regulations in force.

Art. 16
The managers, athletes, technicians, coaches and collaborators of the Association are obliged to observe this Statute and the national and international rules on sport.

Art. 17
The voluntary dissolution of the Association can only be approved in a meeting with a qualified majority vote of 4/5 of the members with voting rights. The assets and profits will then be donated to social purposes.

Art. 18
The present statute can be modified by a Members’ Assembly specially convened for the occasion, with the favourable vote of at least two thirds of the valid votes present at the assembly. 

Art. 19
For all that is absent from this Statute, reference is to be made to the provisions and regulations in force in the sports field and to the laws and customs of the Republic of San Marino.